A Journey of a Thousand Miles: The Story Behind The Video Series
I would like to believe that the video series released in the past two months blessed you and not only blessed you but made you aware of things pertaining to life that you were not aware of before and also made you really ponder. You see, we live in a real-world with real people.
Domestic Violence Awareness (Video)
Domestic violence has always been in the forefront with many causes of mental illness. Prevention is always better than cure. In this video, we attempted to illustrate potential abusive personalities as well as potential victim personalities, their characteristics and causes.
Forgiveness and Healing
A free chapter entitled Forgiveness and Healing from my upcoming autobiography ‘A Journey of a Thousand Miles’. Healing comes after total forgiveness.
Salvation of the Soul
We are a tripartite being: made up of spirit, soul and body. When we get saved by Grace, the part of us that immediately gets saved is our human spirit.
In this chapter we are introduced to Job’s three friends who have come to comfort him. But they don’t help him, instead their words of accusation only add to Job’s torment. They say things you should never hear a friend say. In Christianity, a friend may be represented by a fellow believer, an Authority figure , a mentor, a leader or anyone who put themselves at a position of judge.
We too, can be like Him. We can learn to see everyone, all people, from all walks of life, backgrounds, creed, social statuses, beliefs, past life styles, good or bad histories or track records, as worthy of our mercy, deserving of our kindness and our grace.
Everlasting Life
From the beginning of creation, God intended for humanity to live. Death was not in the agenda. Man was created to live an everlasting life. God first created the first man Adam and placed him in the garden of Eden.
The Role of The Holy Spirit in Our Lives
Of all the gifts given to mankind by God, there is none greater than the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit has many functions, roles, and activities.
Beauty in a Jar of Clay
Our bodies are: beautiful, functional and yet breakable just like the clay jars and yet we carry a treasure that is forever lasting.
He Touched Me!
Jesus’ interactions with women was unique. It was always accompanied by Him dignifying, validating and championing them. He loved them and they just couldn’t help but love Him. Women played a prominent part in His ministry.
God is Love and He is a loving Father, no doubt about it. But God is Holy and detest sin. He loves the sinner but hates the sin. He does not want to leave His beloved people in sin. After the fall of Adam and Eve, He lost not only them but all their descendants, all of us, all humanity, irrespective of race, colour, creed or gender.
Now Is The Time!
If the Church is asleep, the nation dies. In this particular situation, the enemy is targeting the generation of tomorrow. He seeks to wipe them all out and completely take over.
Women in Pursuit of Destiny
God desires that every one of His children would discover their destiny – the good plans that He has for their lives. The starting point for this is a God encounter where we hear His call, and respond with faith and obedience.
International Women's Day 2018
As we celebrate International Women's Day, let's take a look at Bible verses about women to better understand the special role that God has for all women - and incredible value He places on His daughters.
The Woman In Me
Society seemed to have made it a rule or an expectation sometimes that for a woman to be heard, she needs to speak in a ‘man’s voice’ so to speak. To be seen, she needs to wear men’s clothes. To count, she needs to hold a man’s job.