Book, Mental Health, Healing, Salvation, Gospel, Awareness Sarah Moloi Book, Mental Health, Healing, Salvation, Gospel, Awareness Sarah Moloi

A Journey of a Thousand Miles: The Story Behind The Video Series

I would like to believe that the video series released in the past two months blessed you and not only blessed you but made you aware of things pertaining to life that you were not aware of before and also made you really ponder. You see, we live in a real-world with real people.

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Empowerment, Gospel Sarah Moloi Empowerment, Gospel Sarah Moloi


We too, can be like Him. We can learn to see everyone, all people, from all walks of life, backgrounds, creed, social statuses, beliefs, past life styles, good or bad histories or track records, as worthy of our mercy, deserving of our kindness and our grace. 

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Evangelism, Gospel, Salvation Sarah Moloi Evangelism, Gospel, Salvation Sarah Moloi


God is Love  and He is a loving Father, no doubt about it. But God is Holy and detest sin. He loves the sinner but hates the sin. He does not want to leave His beloved  people in sin. After the fall of Adam and Eve, He lost not only them but all their descendants, all of us, all humanity, irrespective of race, colour, creed or gender.

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