We aim to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all women. We desire to see all women from all walks of life, race, creed and colour to receive healing and deliverance from brokenness and recover their value and self-worth and be equipped to reach others in the same way.
Healing, wholeness and restoration to all women
Help women receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour
Disciple women as they mature spiritually in their relationship with the Lord
Empower women to know Christ more intimately by studying God's word and applying Biblical truths well
Help women heal and be delivered from brokenness and find their identity and significance in Christ
Help women discover their God-given talents and gifts in service to God
Train and equip women to reach out to others
Host tailored events and speaking engagements everywhere
Participate in local and international outreaches and projects
Produce unique teaching and training resources
Provide multimedia teaching and discipleship materials
Collaborate with other organisations to maximise the service to women and eliminate injustices
Real life stories and engaging conversations. We are all on a journey and it's a thousand miles.
In this second last part of Rosemond's interview, we learn about the struggle she had trusting in men and how this was linked to the abuse. Rosemond also shares about her struggle to forgive her perpetrator, which ultimately lead to her complete healing. Sarah highlights lessons we can learn about helping others and how the church can support those in similar situations.
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