Women in Pursuit of Destiny
Highlights from the Heart to Heart women's outreach (10th March)
God: “What is that in your hand?"
Moses: “A rod."
God: "Cast it on the ground."
So he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent…” (Exodus 4:1-3). An ordinary stick became a tool to his destiny. Something he already had.
What’s in your hand?
We are born for and with a purpose. We have a ‘rod’ each one of us. Allow God to use what you already have. Let Him reveal it to you.
- Don’t doubt because of the ‘packaging’.
- Don’t try to negotiate because of how you feel about yourself.
- Don’t think God has made a mistake because you’re a woman.
A desert, a valley is an empty place. It feels hopeless and worthless in that place. Yet, God puts us in this place first before He leads us up on a mountain.
A desert is a preparation place. A time of the making of the woman of destiny God created you to be. It does not mean the end, it is just the beginning of a great adventure.
Mountain, a place where He meets with us to reveal our destiny.
Women, you have a destiny. You have worth. You have a purposes.